Teaching: 5 min
Exercises: 20 minQuestions
What is web scraping?
Why would I want to web scrape?
What issues might I encounter web scraping?
Define web scraping as a group
Explore issues and concepts around web scraping
We’re going to start by creating a group definition of web scraping, and explore issues and concepts around web scraping.
Pair with a neighbor, and take a few minutes to talk about and write down words and phrases related to web scraping. This can include what you think web scraping is, how it’s done, why anyone (including you) would want to web scrape, what issues might come up including roadblocks you (or others) might face.
Next, break into slightly larger groups (4-6 people), where you will compare your lists, and then explain or discuss terms and phrases from the list. This will take about 10 minutes. Identify the terms your groups resolves as well as those you are still struggling with.
Lastly, each group will report back on one issue resolved by their group and one issue not resolved by their group. The instructor will collate these on a whiteboard and facilitate a discussion about what we will cover today and where you can go for help on those things we won’t cover.
Key Points
Webscraping is a way to get data from the internet.