Programming with Python: Setup

In preparation for this lesson, you will need to download a zipped file.

  1. Download and move it to your Desktop.
  2. If the file isn’t unzipped yet, double-click to unzip it. You should end up with a folder called python-novice-inflammation that contains two folders called data and code.
  3. To get started, open a terminal or git bash. Go into the data folder by typing:
$ cd
$ cd Desktop/python-novice-inflammation/data

We will be using the Jupyter (IPython) notebook for the lesson. You should have already installed Anaconda which includes the notebook.

To start the notebook, type the following command:

$ jupyter notebook

Jupyter should open in a browser window.

Once it loads, select “New” –> “Notebook: Python 3” in the upper right corner of the Jupyter interface.

screenshot of Jupyter interface showing "New" menu